How to Acquire Healthcare Equipment Without Overspending: cost-saving strategy

how to acquire healthcare equipment without overspend

The cost of healthcare equipment is rising due to factors like new technology, higher demand, and inflation. As a result, healthcare facilities are struggling with their finances. To manage, they need to find ways to lower costs without compromising on quality.  As a medical equipment supplier in the UAE, we are here to provide complete […]

The Critical Role of Medical Equipment Sterilization in Healthcare: Processes, Benefits, and Risks

role of medical equipment sterilization

Everyone in this industry knows that medical equipment must be sterilized. This guarantees the absence of dangerous microbes on medical instruments, protecting patient health and avoiding infections. Sterilization is essential not only for specific patient care but also for healthcare centers.  Sterilization can be defined as eliminating bacterial properties that enable a substance to be […]

Why is Medical Equipment Calibration Important? Uncover Hidden Risks & Solutions

Calibrating medical equipment

The importance of medical equipment calibration cannot be overlooked for several reasons. It poses a significant threat not only to patients but also to healthcare professionals.  Let me explain with an example: a faulty blood pressure monitor could provide an incorrect reading, leading the doctor to administer the wrong treatment. Calibration is crucial for keeping […]

The rise of health food sales in the UAE during the pandemic

The rise of health food sales in the UAE during the pandemic In the United Arab Emirates, online sales of food and beverages surged by 255 percent during the pandemic.Since the pandemic tempted the buyers to eat healthily, UAE shops reported a significant increase in organic and fresh food consumption in 2020.According to research given […]

COVID–19 UPDATES: The Dubai Health Authority inspects more than 7,700 medical facilities.

COVID–19 UPDATES: The Dubai Health Authority inspects more than 7,700 medical facilities According to the city’s health authority, The Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) insurance scheme has now been introduced in all public and private hospitals in Dubai. The Dubai Health Authority’s (DHA) recently announced arrangement – which was delivered to the world in the beginning […]

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